Booking form

Welcome to Thrive Explorers.
Our new SEND Music, Art, and Sport respire club.

Our program offers a supportive and engaging environment for special needs children ages 5-16. It provides parents and caregivers with much needed respite while ensuring that your child enjoys meaningful, social experiences through music, art, and sports activities.

Please fill in the form below to register your child for the next session. 

Child information

Please fill out the below fields about the child who will be attending the event

Parent or guardian information

Please fill out the below fields about the parent or guardian of the child who is attending the event

Emergency contact information

Please fill out the below fields for someone who should be contacted in case of an emergency

Please use this section to describe your child and give us as much information about their needs as possible. (Likes/Dislikes, toileting, mobility, emotions/triggers, behaviours, medical needs etc)

Please fully read the below and sign and print name below)

  • I, the undersigned parent/guardian of INSERT CHILDS NAME HERE, consent to their participation in Thrive Explorers.
  • I understand that Thrive Explorers may engage in a range of activities, and I grant permission for my child to participate in these activities.
  • I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to inform Thrive Explorers of any changes in my child’s medical condition, allergies, or emergency contact information.
  • In case of emergency, I authorise Thrive Explorers staff to seek medical attention for my child, including transporting them to hospital if necessary.
  • I understand that every effort will be made to contact me or the emergency contact listed above.
  • I understand that if my child is unwell, I will not send them to Thrive Explorers for that particular session
  • I understand that if Thrive Explorers staff perceive my child to be acting in a way that is harmful or unsafe, I will collect my child.
  • I acknowledge that my child’s place is not officially booked until the cost of the session has been paid to Thrive Explorers.

When you are ready, please send the cost of the session to the below details (bank transfer), using your child’s initial and surname and date of session as the reference (for example EWELTON281023). We will confirm your child’s place at Thrive explorers once payment is received.

Payment Details

Name: Emmaline Welton Account number:14324564 Sort code:11-10-56 Reference: (childs initial, childs surname,281023 e.g EWELTON281023)